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Here's just a few of the common questions I get asked about my ceremonies and how it all works. If you still have questions then please get in touch via the contact form.

  • What is a celebrant?
    A wedding celebrant is a professional who is trained and experienced in creating and conducting personalised, meaningful, and non-religious wedding ceremonies. I work closely with you to design and officiate a ceremony that truly reflects your values, beliefs, and story. I honour diversity and recognise that each couple is unique, which is why I strive to create a ceremony that is authentic and tailored to your individual preferences.
  • Where can I hold my ceremony?
    A wedding celebrant ceremony can be held at a variety of indoor and outdoor locations, providing flexibility and personalization to your special day.
  • I can’t afford to bury my loved one. What can I do?
    Firstly, don’t panic! Help is available. In the case of someone being unable to afford the funeral costs, Social Services will assist. You would contact the local office (Leeds 0113 2224401/ A social worker will do an assessment on your situation. You need to ask for a Section 50 funeral aka a public funeral. The Government have to provide funerals for people who have no means to provide one. You can still be involved in the planning of the service and attend it. The service will be simple, respectful and dignified. There are charities that can help with services for babies and children.
  • I’ve heard of people being buried at sea. Is this true?
    Yes it is. There are 3 places and legal requirements. A marine licence is required from the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) for a burial at sea in English waters or Northern Irish offshore waters. There are three designated burial at sea locations, which are: 1. Off The Needles, Isle of Wight 2. Between Hastings and Newhaven 3. Off Tynemouth, North Tyneside You don’t need a licence or permission to scatter ashes at sea after a cremation.
  • Can I have a funeral somewhere other than the crematorium?
    Yes, you can. A funeral is simply the service that honours the deceased. For example, the service can happen in a pub, a crematorium, a chapel of rest, a beach, a hotel or at home. A burial or cremation has to occur in an appropriate place. As people are used to a Priest conducting a funeral they don’t realise that there are other options if that’s not your thing. If you own your own home and land, you can even be buried there. (You do need to check this won’t affect the local water line and some other restrictions. You can’t change the use of the land, so you can only bury up to two or three people after getting the appropriate paperwork. I really hope I don’t need to say this but, obviously the authorities need to be informed if you’re burying someone on your land, otherwise the police may come knocking…)
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